Hello everyone,
This week while I was attending the last session of
the UGDSB’s Bring IT In session, the SAMR model of technology integration was
discussed and I thought I would spend a little time sharing what it is and how
it can build your technology repertoire.
The SAMR model was first introduced by Dr. Ruben Puentedura
and identifies different levels which technology integration can progress
through as we become more adept at teaching and learning with different forms
of technology. It is especially helpful
for teachers to use when reflecting on their own tech use as they begin to make
small changes in how technology is utilized in their class and illustrates next
steps for future implementation.
The first step in the process is
substitution. Here computers are used to
perform the same tasks which would have been done in classrooms
previously. For example, students use a
word processing program to type up a research project. In this level there is not much of a
significant impact on teaching and student learning; however it is a step in
the right direction when beginning integration of technology.
Next comes augmentation and this involves
slightly more planning and effort on behalf of the instructor. In this phase technology can offer a more
effective tool to perform common classroom tasks, such as using a Google form
for taking a quiz or a virtual ‘sticky note wall’ as a parking lot for
questions. The technology is a direct
substitution and as a result there can be immediate feedback on students’ level
of understanding and student engagement increases.
This is the first step ‘over the line’ as they call it – where we move
from enhancement to transformation. In
this level, the technology allows for significant redesign of parts of the
task. Some examples include students
using Google docs to collaborate on an assignment using comments and share
features and creating an audiovisual presentation for an authentic
audience. Here students are becoming
increasingly more active in questioning and the lessons become student
driven. One drawback at this level,
however is that without technology your lesson is not possible.
The final level is redefinition where technology allows for new tasks to
be created which were once impossible to perform in the classroom. Collaborating and connecting with other
classrooms around the world via Skype or Google Docs is one example. Here the student and teacher’s worlds are
expanded far beyond the traditional classroom.
There are many great resources available to further your familiarity
with the SAMR model. I encourage you to
examine your technology use and question how you can ‘bump it up’ to the next
level to encourage student engagement and build on the student centered
learning in your class.
Cheers and have a Happy Thanksgiving,